Our Services

Personalized Service

Mango Health provides personalized services that help unlock the full potential of health for our patients.

We ensure our patients have support throughout their journey by providing extensive services that help improve health outcomes.

Substance Use Treatment Referrals

Our team can help connect you to our inpatient and outpatient treatment center partners that can support your recovery journey.

Mental Health Treatment Referrals

Our team can help connect you to our inpatient and outpatient mental health provider partners that can support your recovery journey.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment Referrals

If you have both a mental health disorder and a substance use disorder, our team can help find you specialized care that addresses both conditions simultaneously. This integrated approach ensures that you receive the support you need for a successful recovery.

Harm Reduction Strategies

We emphasize harm reduction approaches that focus on reducing the negative consequences of substance use. This includes promoting safety and healthier behaviors, without necessarily requiring immediate abstinence.

Medication Management

For individuals who require medication to manage their mental health conditions or addiction, we offer comprehensive medication management services. This includes prescribing, monitoring, and making adjustments to medications as needed.

Expertise in HIV, PrEP, HCV, & LGBTQ+ Care

Our specially certified pharmacists offer compassionate, gender affirming care to individuals who are often disproportionately affected by complex health conditions.

Care Team Outreach

We regularly reach out to ensure your needs are being met through our mental health, substance use or pharmacy partners.

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